Crystal Sepúlveda, the river knows
Dialectics of Isolation
June 23, 2017
Human Resources, Los Angeles, CA
Works by Crystal Sepúlveda, Angie Jennings, Rebeca Hernandez, and Artemisa Clark
Documentation: John Tain, Matt Savitsky
In 1980, Ana Mendieta curated Dialectics of Isolation: An Exhibition of Third World Women Artists of the United States at New York’s A.I.R. Gallery. The catalogue’s introduction describes the show as pointing “not necessarily to the injustice or incapacity of a society that has not been willing to include us, but more towards a personal will to continue being ‘other.’” For this night, dancers Rebeca Hernandez and Crystal Sepúlveda and performance artists Angie Jennings and Artemisa Clark performed works that take as their starting point this “personal will to continue being ‘other,’” via themes found in Mendieta’s work more generally – land, ritual, national (un)belonging.
This night was part of ¡Mendieta Vive!, an initiative facilitating Ana Mendieta-related events in and around Los Angeles during and after Carl Andre's solo show at MOCA.